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Here’s a secret. Google is the number one advertising platform for both PC and mobile when it comes to pay-per-click models. Google controls 92% of the search engine market, which provides a massive audience for the paid ads that show up at the top of the page.
Here’s another secret. Headlines are very important. 80% of readers will check out a headline, but only 20% will continue reading. In other words, most headlines fail to lead a reader into the sales funnel.
So, if you’re a marketer, your copywriters should really know how to write Google Ads headlines. Or – well, that’s secret number three…
Google Ads is the official name of the Google advertising platform. Being very generous, they give you three headlines for every Google ad that you post. This gives you three chances to say the same thing in different ways, or to highlight three important aspects of your product. The Google Ads headline character limit is 30 per headline.
Creating the best possible headlines and ad texts means that your ad will appear at the moment that your potential customers are looking to purchase exactly what you are offering. But getting to the point where you are posting the ‘best’ headlines can take time. (Google helps in this journey with a supply of analytics. It is also really important to constantly test your headlines to understand the best fit between your product, audience, and ad copy.)
Over time, refining your headlines can also result in a better ROI. Because Google uses a PPC set up, it is logical to assume that most unqualified leads who click on your ad are doing so because the text has not given them a clear picture of your offering. Once you optimize the ad’s language, the audience will know what it is getting, and your ad will be doing an efficient job.
A final note – creating good headlines is about to get more important. In June 2022, Google will switch to a Responsive Search Ad format. This means that Google’s machine learning algorithm will choose from among 15 headlines that you create as it finds the best combination for your audience. Copywriters will be doing a lot more headline creation in the near future.
Three headlines of 30 characters each might seem like a lot. But don’t forget that your headlines are usually competing directly with ads for similar products that are called up in response to the search keywords. The three big rules for creating Google Ads headlines are:
Why is your product better than that of the competition? This does not need to mean, for example, superior specifications. You can also highlight better service, special deals, market leadership, faster implementation, and so on.
Once you have decided what makes your product better, put this factor into a short and conspicuous message. If you sell chairs made out of sustainable materials, high-quality wood, and with excellent craftsmanship, don’t write out all of these advantages. Instead, boil it down to “Meets Environmental and Quality Standards”, and make sure that your competitors’ headlines don’t say the same.
But what if competitors seem to offer basically the same thing as you do? This is where research comes in handy. Find out what’s missing from competing headlines and put that front and center. Then, include the major points that the others mention as well.
Numbers, symbols, and interesting punctuation (like question marks) can all serve to make your headline stand out. You can also use short words (“buy” instead of “purchase”), logographs, and popular abbreviations/textspeak (if it fits your brand). As a corollary, make sure to use proper grammar and punctuation – obvious mistakes provide a poor impression and repel the audience.
For a full treatment of headlines, read this article.
Without the proper keywords, even the most enticing copy will not register on Google Ads. However, finding the right keywords is a whole science, and often not the responsibility of the copywriter.
Let’s take a look at how these principles show up in the real world. One factor to keep in mind is that these examples were easily the best from among the two or three competing ads that showed up at the same time.
This ad shows the benefits of studying the competition. With this search, there were other ads for website builders, but they were generic (“the best website builder”). The key to Webflow’s eye-catching ad is the use of the word “responsive”. It creates curiosity, differentiates the product, and demonstrates a USP.
Kiwi.com’s ad is appealing because it balances the constant “we’re cheaper” theme. Yes, they refer to value, but they also give the headline a romantic/adventurous tone with “Discover New Destinations”. The thought behind the headline was particularly noticeable when looking at the number two ad, which read “Book Now Book Flights” and seems sloppy in terms of grammar, punctuation, and value proposition.
ClickUp’s ad headline hits a lot of high points. It uses a number and a symbol to stand out. It announces a very attractive value proposition, in being “free forever” (which also sounds catchy). It also makes a claim to being a market leader. Plus, it does all of this within Google Ad headline character limits.
This ad scores for a bunch of reasons. “End-To-End” implies that their solution will take care of all your payment problems. “Get Started With Tipalti Today” is a kind of CTA, which is always a great copy feature to include. Finally, this statement also implies that it’s easy to get started immediately, which combines urgency with a valuable feature.
Thousands of Google ad headlines are read every minute. As we have seen, among them are some that have cracked the code to Google conversion. If only it were possible to find a shortcut to the knowledge that these companies have…
And it is. Anyword technology analyzes the conversion rates of Google Ads headlines according to the language style they use and the audience to which they appeal. Through the power of artificial intelligence, Anyword leverages that knowledge to create Google ad headlines that are built to convert. The proof is in Anyword’s proprietary Predictive Performance Score, which assigns a numerical grade to each copy version as a way to estimate conversion rates – even before the copy is posted. Google Ads are only a part of what Anyword does. From social media texts to email subject lines, Anyword’s variety of functions save you time while upping conversion rates. Speaking of which, it’s time to check out how Anyword will change the way you create copy by trying out the 7-day free trial.
As an advertising platform, Twitter has a lot of advantages, but there’s one particular drawback: Twitter ad copy specs are quite limited. Twitter is actually
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the annual tradition of Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year. An estimated 141 million
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